You don't need 2 variables for that. Use a single variable for both but invert the conditions. One would bei struggle with 2 bottons... One should displayed on, the other button off. If you press one Button ON,the other one should go to OFF
[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[Variables]Digital=0Analog=1[ButtonDigital]Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle 2,2,25,10,5 | Fill Color 0,0,0,150 | StrokeWidth 2 | Stroke Color 0,0,0,180Shape2=Rectangle (#Digital#=0?2:16),2,10,10,10 | Fill Color ((#Digital#=0)?255:0),((#Digital#=1)?255:0),((#Digital#=0)?0:0),255DynamicVariables=1AntiAlias=1LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetVariable Digital (([#Digital]+1)%2)][!Update][ButtonAnalog]Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle 2,20,25,10,5 | Fill Color 0,0,0,150 | StrokeWidth 2 | Stroke Color 0,0,0,180Shape2=Rectangle (#Analog#=0?2:16),20,10,10,10 | Fill Color ((#Analog#=0)?255:0),((#Analog#=1)?255:0),((#Analog#=0)?0:0),255DynamicVariables=1AntiAlias=1LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetVariable Analog (([#Analog]+1)%2)][!Update]
The other will be
Also, AntiAlias doesn't do anything on shape meters (AFAIK)
Statistics: Posted by RicardoTM — Yesterday, 10:15 pm