You're welcome, we're glad to help and see you ended up with a satisfying result. Not sure it's that simple as you wrote it, but of course that depends on what your objective was. Feel free to improve it if needed, or test it against others online to verify the results you got.Thank you both for your help. I managed the problem with two shapes and a calc:From the first shape i take the X-position that goes in two times a year from minus to plus and from the second shape i take the X-position that goes one time a year from minus to plus. Both uses the cycle "[ThetaSonnenBahn]" that is also based on a shape that goes one time a year from plus to minus.Code:
;--------SONNENANALEMMABAHN---------[EkliptikSchiefe]Meter=ShapeShape=Ellipse #Z#,#Z#,1 | StrokeWidth 1 | Stroke Color #Nichts# | Fill Color #Nichts#X=((100*#Scale#)*COS(([ThetaSonnenBahn]*2)+(PI/2)))Y=((100*#Scale#)*SIN(([ThetaSonnenBahn]*2)+(PI/2)))DynamicVariables=1UpdateDivider=1[Exzentrizität]Meter=ShapeShape=Ellipse #Z#,#Z#,1 | StrokeWidth 1 | Stroke Color #Nichts# | Fill Color #Nichts#X=((74*#Scale#)*COS([ThetaSonnenBahn]+(PI*0.39)))Y=((74*#Scale#)*SIN([ThetaSonnenBahn]+(PI*0.39)))DynamicVariables=1UpdateDivider=1[AnalemmaRechner]Measure=CalcFormula=(([EkliptikSchiefe:X]+[Exzentrizität:X])/10)DynamicVariables=1UpdateDivider=1
The calc at the end merges both values together, so i get a value in minutes.
Thank you very much, greetings from Switzerland.
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Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Yesterday, 6:16 pm