Mostly, he does. And where he didn't have, I set up stuff accordingly in an adjusted .ini, e.g. the relevant part:I would be tempted to have any measures that are dependent on WebParser measure values be set to "disabled", and then have a FinishAction on the WebParser measure(s) "enable" the dependent measures. That may eliminate the starting errors.
[MeasureTimezone]Measure=WebParserURL=*"utc_offset":"(.*):00",FinishAction=[!SetOption MeasureTime Disabled "0"][!UpdateMeasure "MeasureTime"][!SetOption MeasureOffsetDateTime Disabled "0"][!UpdateMeasure "MeasureOffsetDateTime"]Disabled=1DynamicVariables=1[MeasureTimezone1]Measure=PluginPlugin=WebParserUrl=[MeasureTimezone]StringIndex=1[MeasureTime]Measure=TimeFormat=%b %#d, %Y %#I:%M %pTimeStamp=[MeasureEventDate] TimeStampFormat=%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MDisabled=1DynamicVariables=1[MeasureOffsetDateTime]Measure=TimeTimeStamp=([MeasureTime:Timestamp] + ([MeasureTimezone1] * 3600))Format=%#m/%#d - %#I:%M %pDisabled=1DynamicVariables=1
P.S. The way he enables the measures is his own, not mine, in case you wonder.
EDIT: Quick addition of a MeasureEventDate replacement, e.g.:
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 7:47 pm