Don't know what did you duplicate, but what you have to keep in mind is that you can't have tow same named section. If you copy the [MeasureDisk1Labe1], [MeasureTotalDisk1Space], [MeasureUsedDisk1Space], [MeasureUsedDisk1Percentual] and [MeterDrive1Usage] measures and meters, paste them back with for instance the following names: [MeasureDisk2Labe1], [MeasureTotalDisk2Space], [MeasureUsedDisk2Space], [MeasureUsedDisk2Percentual] and [MeterDrive2Usage]. Replace the Drive=C: option of the [MeasureDisk2Labe1], [MeasureTotalDisk2Space] and [MeasureUsedDisk2Space] measures by Drive=D:, the Formula option of the [MeasureUsedDisk2Percentual] measure by Formula=Round(([MeasureUsedDisk2Space:]/[MeasureTotalDisk2Space:])*100) and finally the Y and Text options of the [MeterDrive2Usage] meter by Y=5R and Text=D: [MeasureUsedDisk2Percentual:]% (note that the Y=5R is just an example, you can place the second meter anywhere else, by replacing the above value with another - if you don't know what to use, let us know for further help).I'm currently working on modifying skin, and I want to display the used percentages of two drives (C and D) at the same time. I've found many samples that show the percentage of drive. When I try to duplicate that piece of code to add my second drive, it won't work. I will attach the code that works for one drive. Can anyone help me on this?
Statistics: Posted by balala — Yesterday, 9:14 pm