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Help: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Scaling shapes with paths that can't be combined.

Alright, I got it now.


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[Variables]W=320H=180[BG]Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle 0,0,[#W],[#H] | Fill Color 091,091,091 | StrokeWidth 0DynamicVariables=1[Shapes]Meter=ShapeX=0Y=0Shape = Path Path1 | fill color 43, 43, 43 | StrokeWidth 0 | Scale ([#W]/320),([#H]/180),(0),(-125.5)Shape2 = Path Path2 | fill color 58, 58, 58 | StrokeWidth 0 | Scale ([#W]/320),([#H]/180),(0),(-76.5)Shape3 = Path Path3 | fill color 76, 76, 77 | StrokeWidth 0 | Scale ([#W]/320),([#H]/180),(0),(-40)Path1 = 320, 141.4 | LineTo 320, 180 | LineTo 0, 180 | LineTo 0, 125.5 | CurveTo 40, 128, 8.2, 125.8, 19.5, 127.2 | CurveTo 130, 153, 92, 130, 87, 146 | CurveTo 258, 134, 173, 160, 184, 138 | CurveTo 320, 141.4, 282.5, 132.7, 303.2, 136.2 | ClosePath 1Path2 = 320, 101.6 | LineTo 320, 141.4 | CurveTo 258, 134, 303.2, 136.2, 282.5, 132.7 | CurveTo 130, 153, 184, 138, 173, 160 | CurveTo 40, 128, 87, 146, 92, 130 | CurveTo 0, 125.5, 19.5, 127.2, 8.2, 125.8 | LineTo 0, 96.3 | CurveTo 59.5, 76.5, 12.3, 87.8, 34.2, 75.8 | CurveTo 135.5, 107.5, 98.5, 77.5, 101.5, 107.5 | CurveTo 211.5, 79.5, 169.5, 107.5, 181.5, 90.5 | CurveTo 320, 101.6, 233.5, 71.5, 287, 84.8 | ClosePath 1Path3 = 320, 80 | LineTo 320, 101.6 | CurveTo 211.5, 79.5, 287, 84.8, 233.5, 71.5 | CurveTo 135.5, 107.5, 181.5, 90.5, 169.5, 107.5 | CurveTo 59.5, 76.5, 101.5, 107.5, 98.5, 77.5 | CurveTo 0, 96.3, 34.2, 75.8, 12.3, 87.8 | LineTo 0, 40 | CurveTo 103, 71, 27.2, 44.8, 64.7, 60.7 | CurveTo 166, 52, 166, 88, 148, 64 | CurveTo 251, 55, 184, 40, 227, 40 | CurveTo 320, 80, 267.8, 65.5, 292.4, 71.1 | ClosePath 1DynamicVariables=1
I removed the mouse actions since they are not really necessary. The point is to redimension it to any new dimension by setting W and H variables. For that, after finding the correct x and y relative to the top left corner of the shape meter the only thing left to do is add: ([#W]/320),([#H]/180) to each scale. 320 is the original width and 180 the original height. Now the shapes will follow the dimensions set on W and H.

For those using illustrator (or any other software) to create svgs and convert them into shapes using the vector converter, you can find the correct x and y relative to the top left corner, simply select each shape on the software and making sure top left corner anchor is selected, use the x and y that the software gives you on each shape:

Captura de pantalla 2024-11-09 140810.png
I only used 2 decimals for the real skin I'm working on and it works fine.

Thanks again Yin. Image may be NSFW.
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Statistics: Posted by RicardoTM — Yesterday, 8:16 pm

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