Sorry, the only way InputText will work is if you hit Enter to finish the execution.
OnDismissAction can't cause the $UserInput$ macro to be executed. $UserInput$ can only be executed in the context of a CommandN option. if you "dismiss" the input field before you hit Enter, the measure will have no value.
CTRL-Enter will certainly work to create multi-line results.
OnDismissAction can't cause the $UserInput$ macro to be executed. $UserInput$ can only be executed in the context of a CommandN option. if you "dismiss" the input field before you hit Enter, the measure will have no value.
CTRL-Enter will certainly work to create multi-line results.
[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[MeterInput]Meter=ImageX=6Y=45W=137H=100SolidColor=240,240,240LeftMouseUpAction=[!CommandMeasure MeasureInput "ExecuteBatch 1"][MeasureInput]Measure=PluginPlugin=InputTextX=6Y=45SolidColor=240,240,240FontColor=0,0,0FontSize=12W=137H=100AntiAlias=1FocusDismiss=0DefaultValue="Type Here"Command1=[!Log "$UserInput$"][MeterString]Meter=StringY=20RMeasureName=MeasureInputFontColor=255,255,255,255FontSize=12AntiAlias=1
Statistics: Posted by jsmorley — 27 minutes ago