With RegExpSubstitute=1 you can't use \ in the sense of escape in the "replace" part of the substitution, only in the "search" part of it.
To be honest, you don't need RegExpSubstitute at all. There is no need for any Regular Expression in the "search" part of any of the Substitute pairs.
Works fine.
The change is to """:'"' What you do is substitute "e; with 'single quote' "double quote" 'single quote'.
To be honest, you don't need RegExpSubstitute at all. There is no need for any Regular Expression in the "search" part of any of the Substitute pairs.
[MeasureString]Measure=StringString=' & " < >Substitute="'":"'","&":"&",""":'"',"<":"<",">":">"
The change is to """:'"' What you do is substitute "e; with 'single quote' "double quote" 'single quote'.
Instead of "pattern":"replacement", single quotes can be used either around the pattern or the replacement. (i.e. 'pattern':"replacement" or "pattern":'replacement', but not 'pattern':'replacement') This can be useful when either the pattern or the replacement contains double quotes. For example, '"':"double quote" replaces all occurrences of the character " with the string double quote.
Statistics: Posted by jsmorley — Today, 12:24 pm